The 2008 NBA Playoff Recap: What We Learned

The 2008 NBA playoffs did more than just entertain us for the last seven or eight months. It taught us stuff. Some stuff we only suspected, and some other stuff we never even knew before. Here is that stuff. The Atlanta Hawks have fans…real, flesh-and-blood fans. Boston fans, on the other hand, apparently are bandwagon jumpers. The NBA will not tolerate "menacing" hand gestures. Ever. Kevin Garnett never forgets. "Third person" is LeBron James' preferred method of speaking. Basketball and rapper slap-fights can go hand-in-hand. Trash-talking Lebron James does not work. Beating LeBron up — or trying to, anyway — doesn't work either. There is no DeShawn-LeBron rivalry. The Cavaliers apparently can beat the Wizards in the playoffs three yea…